Special Offers

Property photography special offer

 I will be offering monthly deals from October 2023 – September 2024, keep an eye on this page and my social media channels to look out for the latest offers.

  • This month’s deal – save £50 on property photography! £284 down from £334, providing you with 25 photos and a 1.5 hour shoot.
  • Why not take advantage of my special offer?

Offer running until the 31st July 2024! The shoot must be booked and take place within July 2024.

Available within Cirencester / the surrounding area, travel costs added if I need to drive further than 5 miles.

This could be a rental, an airbnb, a house for sale or a commercial unit. Pop me a message if you have any questions.

To get in touch, please e-mail Kay or call +44 (0)7968 507196.